Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway


This is one of the greatest sources to have some of the greatest ideas, information, and knowledge in many diverse fields such as Business, Economics, Politics, Finance, Psychology, Philosophy etc, and these are unique, innovative, and useful, having potential of millions and billions in terms of money. There is the revelation of many secrets which only I knew about the technologies, Genetics, international affairs, political, finance etc. I have discussed history also and how, in many cases, it has been reversed.

Mostly people publish these ideas and thoughts in Journals, Magazines and News-papers but I have my unique style which might not fit these media, so, I decided to provide these as separately and directly from me. I can ensure that my articles/essays and other modes of consultancy are more qualitative, informative, and unique than any of the traditional media.

These are the most innovative ideas and also expressed and provided in the most innovative way and these can benefit millions of people and can bring the effects of billions of dollars/euros/rupees in terms of both the individual businesses and overall economy.  

I have not just the plain statements or wishful thinking but argumentative approach, along with intuition and philosophy. So, most of these knowledge and ideas can be argued and a definite conclusion can be reached in most of the cases.

Someone can read many books, still cannot know what he/she wants to know but my knowledge is exact and applicable in many cases. Within 15-20 pages articles I have the knowledge of a complete book on that subject and somebody can contact me also for further clarifications. You can get an idea and literary taste about my writings from the below sections:  

Question & Answer Session 

Some useful thoughts and ideas 

Some Excerpts from the real Essays  

You can know about me from the about section and my interview and photos, or even you can contact me by phone, email, WhatsApp, and Contact Form on this website. After getting satisfied you can decide to shop my paid essays/articles or consult me individually.  

