Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway


As the name of my website suggests that it is about the further truth, the truth which is very important to reach right decisions or reach the best decisions, to form correct opinions, achieve a good life and ultimately reach the God. Mostly Truth is one and we need to reach that exact unambiguous truth or as near as possible to that; I can help in knowing that unambiguous exact truth in so many real-life situations. Generally, people don’t think beyond a few steps of logic and reasoning and the public opinions which have been created and how the general public think about the issues, have gone farther from the real truth than it was earlier. A complete divide is being maintained between what the public knows and what is to be told to the public and what is the reality. This is a dangerous trend. Public was not that much tolerant to corruption. In 1996, Govt. in India lost just because of so many corruption allegations despite doing so many big reforms, but now for last many years, there are more serious corruption issues but nobody raised those. This is because, When the whole system is wrong, so, one or two issues do not matter. Public knows the real causes in their sub-consciousness and in any issue the final conclusion will be that the whole system is wrong! I have described and analyzed this very well and sent to public sub-consciousness. So, public is not very interested in those issues. Media and Journalism also got degraded and could not maintain the standards and honesty. There is also a part of public that is same like their leaders so raising the corruption issues will destroy that public also. Micro and Macro have been connected by me very well.

However, we are reaching or almost reached where there will be the revolutionary changes at the most fundamental level, but public is still avoiding the full confrontation at many places in the world or rather reluctant unless some big leader emerges or unless we reach the stage of certain success in changing the system.

In new generation, also, there is a big difference in the process, methods and styles through which education is being provided to them. We did not have any guides to text books, internet, tuitions, and some children did not have even very educated parents to take assistance from them in education. In fact, using guides and tuitions were considered very bad among teachers and students both. Many times, I, myself would think using guides but didn’t. That is how, India produced the brilliant people, a full generation of brilliance and excellence. But now if someone observes the present generation, it is so worrisome and matter of concern. However, I am very optimistic about the future generation, the previous two generations will sink in the ocean of remorse, realizing the difference in the behaviour of future generation and their own behaviour.

IT industry could not create the good second generation. Someone can investigate about this and they have been hiding about this. Instead of progression, they became regressive in genes transmission. They became conditioned to the logic put in the software but not the general logic. Why?

Scientific thinking has been compromised. I remember my text books, a lot was not explained or even told; students were required to think themselves and find the solutions so that a kind of thinking process develops in them. But now a days everything is available, so what about the thinking process? They would be easily captured by others if the present trend continues.

This was my general concern but I don’t write just the general and already stated and discussed knowledge. No! In my all writings you will always find something new and innovative. The further thinking, discoveries and innovation; and in many cases those would not be known even to the best of the universities and academic institutions, corporate R&D or even the greatest think tanks in the world. I have the most intelligent, scientific, philosophical and useful collection of original ideas; almost on every subject and issue. These ideas and thoughts are on the most important issues of the world and can be the real solutions to many biggest problems of the world.

I have certain ideology, opinion and thoughts but I also have so many brilliant ideas and further explanations which are the pure knowledge and can be the unanimous solutions in many situations. World would be correctly guided, on the right path and far better with my ideas and knowledge than it is now or was in the past. Many of the Govt. policies can change, many court judgements can be better, completely changed or there might be the decisions where it was not possible or delayed for long time, even corporate management, industries, agriculture, school, hospitals, and general life, all of these can be better guided; such is the importance, power and influence of the knowledge and truth which I will be publishing on this website. In past even Manhattan would have been guided from my knowledge! Still, one should not think me pro or against of anyone; in many bilateral and multilateral situations I will be able to reach the settlement without any significant bias. I am for the whole world.

 In the recent times I observed that many groups, people and even the political parties have developed a kind of knowledge deficit in the sense that they can’t tell you or let you know, but they want to know everything from their opponents. This is very unusual, unscientific and unjustified; I know there are the information gaps and people tell the lies but how can one formalize and justify that in the society (can anybody justify the lies and cheating in the court), that lead to further and further lies and mis-information. I am not with that trend, I have tried to reduce and ultimately end that lies and mis-information based system. According to me, it is exact opposite of what the informationists think. If someone lies or cheats, the victim can even murder the offender. If there are more lies and cheatings there will be more crimes also. I don’t want that kind of society and I don’t support those countries.

Now, These excessive crime situations in many countries for example in Britain seem to be the main hurdle with which I started my struggle in the year 2006-07. They want to keep that excessive crime societies settled, for example, with insurance, but I, not. No religion is as lenient about the sins and crimes as the Christianity. In Hinduism, as per Bhagwad Geeta, every karma good or bad has the definite consequences and results, nobody can escape just confessing about those, the whole world might get destroyed if lies, cheatings and crimes are not checked and stopped.

However, this cannot be general, there is some caveat also. Recently, there was big action against criminals in U.P. India I suspect a kind of foreign conspiracy in that, because there is the virus v/s crime relation also. If foreigners want to reduce crimes in UP, they should take same kind of actions against crimes in their own countries also. Britain, Canada, Germany, USA.

USA attacked Al Qaida in Pakistan, in the same way the criminal cults in USA also can be attacked by some other countries. There will be the definite attacks on them if the US Govt. cannot do anything about them. What’s the problem? We want to end both the bad terrorism, crimes and ant-social, anti-human organizations all over the world.

According to me, there will be the ‘Age of Truth’ again and it has already arrived in so many aspects and for some duration it has shown its full impacts also, which I observed.

Through my great mind powers, spirituality and thinking I can know almost all the big secrets and truths of the world, people will realize that when they will know, read and study, what I will be publishing on this website. Also, I am very liberal and generous in giving knowledge to the world; So that most of the people get benefitted.  There were many pirs, fakeers and Sufis in India who became completely integrated with the nature and the world and who were everything in themselves. Indian mystics were also the same in their achievements or even more! They had very great powers and siddhis, they could even shake the world and create thunders, but still they lived and looked very ordinary. They lived ordinary but even the King could not control or impose his orders on them (Can someone imagine the barbaric and cruel Kings of that time and someone denying their orders; even on slightest provocation and mistakes they could kill and behead anyone). Many of the Siddhs and Sufis, and there was someone in Delhi also who would not visit the king even if called or summoned.

 I also, have so many spiritual realizations and knowledge of modern sciences and logic, so I have both the traditional and modern and my outlook is also like the general people. Besides, I am not just scientist and philosopher but some fundamental cultural fixation also is inherent in me which the traditional scholars might not have, in that way, I am very much in the society and the part of the society and social reforms. Those are the fundamental truths and I can argue about those also. So, ultimately it is the full knowledge that I have. Many of the brilliant minds can be the great scientists but reaching the philosophical level is not possible for all.    

Thus, I am the biggest human innovation of our time. With me the general humanity also has become better and realized new capabilities to reach the ultimate, these will become very clear in the future.