Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway

Excerpts from the real Essays

The real thing is that truth does not remain hidden for long time now. In fact, we are living in the most interesting and fantastic time in the entire human history. How? the truth comes already in people’s subconsciousness, the only thing needed is to express that in a very organized, clear and unambiguous way by someone like me. So, this is undoubtedly the paar-Brahm govt in a substantial way and words have started to follow instead of leading the arrival of the truth in people’s subconsciousness. It will become further clearer in the future.

Both sides will have the perfect information about each other still there will not be the decisions if the ideology and philosophy do not match and there are also the cases that when information does not matter at all and people take decisions just on the basis of matching of their thoughts and ideas….

Kindly see the article “Global v/s Universal”

People’s interests are involved in inter-industrial transactions. Without the real interests it is impossible to transact and give credit. The production of people and things go together and all the real interest is accumulated in the growing children, the individual’s cellular growth has the limit in this regard otherwise biological problems or the diseases start to happen. So, unless someone reproduces children, it is very limited growth despite the person being very qualified, and finance also gets limited. There is also the opposite situation when biological reproduction is excessive comparing the industrial or agricultural or the general non-human economic production. It can be discussed separately in very details. This is now very important.issue. I am talking the real economics at very fundamental level and our policy makers and leaders should think like that ….

Kindly see the article “Indian Family System and Economy”

Some years ago, in 2019 before the onset of pandemic they had very drastic conspiracy against Delhi, they even wanted to change the composition of the population of Delhi, and, loot the Delhi and whole country, but there was not just one but many conflicting conspiracies by different groups, against Delhi, and those cancelled each other and Delhi got saved. Arrival of Corona cancelled the other conspiracy, which was basically through the communal violence. In fact, Corona got delayed in Delhi because of the earlier conspiracy and after the Corona’s effects the issues and the objectives of first conspiracy did not remain much relevant. One can study about these or I can discuss separately about those in very details. After all of those, there were multiple attacks, again, in the beginning of 2023 but foreign powers again under-estimated Me, Delhi and India and they again got defeated. I had made them (the Harward and MIT) realized well before, that, Delhi is the brain superpower and any attack will be defeated by Delhi. Those all attackers have realized that now. Delhi is completely undefeatable now after undergoing so many attacks and becoming stronger than earlier, even in the real war they cannot reach Delhi or defeat Delhi.

In many contexts the term Indian is mis-used and misunderstood. India and Indian refers to the great Indus valley civilization so how the west-Indies which is in the west of America can be called indies, similarly, Indiana and other uses of the word. Columbus reached west America and thought that he reached west-India that is the historical fact but still an error. That error should be corrected now and all the use of the word ‘Indian’ except regarding India, should be stopped and banned. India is completely different from them in culture. Why did the Britishers create this confusion? did not they want to hide and suppress India’s cultural superiority? This itself shows their misunderstanding of the concept India and Indian. Deliberate and systematic errors cannot be allowed.

We start with the ideas and philosophy from the north pole or even from the outside the earth and move towards the south and in the process materialize our ideas in production, according to our beliefs, culture and philosophy, and finally we do the social justice even to the minimum standard of the people and thus reach the south end and complete our journey and lifetime of achievement. Communists are different. They start from the material, that is their base and culture and philosophy are the superstructure for them which might matter or might not matter for them; but for us culture, ideology and philosophy are the most important; everything comes later and should be as per our philosophy and culture. There are other kinds of people also which I call round-about; for them it is North to South or other way around or South to North or other way around and they keep revolving around in almost everything, in business, politics or personal relations.

There has been a continuous fight between me and so-called global forces and after their defeat, only the virus came to their rescue and that seems to be satisfying their global concept but that is very negative phenomenon and ultimately will be the further argument against globalists. They think this new virus as a stimulus to world trade as they have been creating like that in past also but now, I think it as the settlement of old international accounts not the creation of new. Trade, and, viruses and the medical expenses have been rising and falling together but no famous trade theorist or economist wrote about it while this is such a bitter reality. Some really courageous person can prove that or write a PHD on that at least regarding some developing countries trade. Not all the foreign trade is like that. Only the trade between incompatible countries or incompatible buyers and sellers is like that. Here incompatibility means the occurrence of disease with the exchange of matter between two biologically and culturally incompatible group of people. This leads to so much medical expenses and also many problems to the indigenous healthy people. So, this kind of trade effects the indigenous excellence in a very bad way; because trade also led to the division of the world between rich and poor and developed and developing; thus, reducing the standard of living and reputation and the social image of the best cultured and well settled people and over the course of a long time, making them also sub-standard and also effecting their health. The basic question is, what is the need of matching of completely incompatible people now? World has mixed up to a very great extent over the centuries. Now there is no need; except for the very intellectual and cultural relations which also treat the cancerous over-growth of some globally similar communities.

 Also I would like to clarify further that the settlement of old accounts will depend very much about the economic ideology of importers and exporters that is whether they subscribe to classical or non-classical economics or whether material determine everything or human qualities determine everything or ultimately all the possible relative powers of importers and exporters countries to fight each other and now there is no chance of humanity losing to the animalistic or machine or the devils powers. I can say that confidently because for the last fifteen years, very consciously, I have fought these three and defeated these repeatedly. From the extent of the crowd in metro I could know the relative valuation of man and material. In real, every person who have studied and understood economics and also by nature is humanitarian, get involved in this conflict and fight, and, sometimes every minute every second, humanity fight to maintain its values against all these three.

Kindly see the article “Global v/s Universal”