Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway

Q & A Session

These are some interesting and useful questions and answers to know me and my expertise, before, somebody takes any decision to get involved with me and purchase my articles/essays or use my consultancy in individual customized problems and projects.

What is the real cost of education and what should be its value?

Real cost of education is the wasteful lower quality or faulty production, because, education is the hypothetical unreal situation which do not satisfy all the real conditions. So, somewhere in the economy that kind of wastage or that kind of wasteful and faulty production necessarily happen. Naturally, this kind of wasteful faulty production should be priced at lower value so education costs’ monetary value or the fees should be lower; otherwise, the volume of the wasteful and faulty production will increase in the economy. That is already happening with so many bad consequences for good and efficient people.

For the full discussion You can refer my article on Rent, Education, Health and Exports

The difference between the Genetic Identity and social identity and which one is stronger and safe?

There is a very big difference in India and other countries and specifically Hindus and other religions. We have a very good social and family system that other countries could not develop yet; even the most developed ones. So, their only identity remains the genetic code or Genome identity while India has dual advantages; both the Genetic and social. Social identity is based on the family relations also, and there are many instances when genetic identity or genetic advantages come into conflict with the social identity. A marital match can be really good genetically but social and family rules don’t permit those relations. Still, the social identity will be preferred over the genetic identity because social identity is more secure. Being genetic, people can be predicted and targeted and even the whole communities can be destroyed. This same process is happening all over the world. The Indian social identity or Hindu social identity makes us eternal, while genetic identity is short run and destructive and communal, not even the individual.

 After thousands of years evolution India reached the proper human family and social formation and the social and family customs and rules, while other countries are still not the proper human societies if we define rigorously. So, it is better to follow the social identity which is well tested and secure than the genetic identity.

 For the full discussion You can refer my article on Society, Genetics, Virus, and   Identity & Society

Are all the Gods Same?

Many times, when I hear common people discussing about the God.

They would say all the Gods are same, it does not matter whom you worship. If you consider Hindu religion, there is a proper system of different Gods which represent our whole philosophy towards life, our connection with nature and our life style. It is true that at the highest spiritual level all the different variations lead to the same universal God but there are proper ways, life, and natural and social systems that one can approach that path to the universal God. That is what different Gods in Hindu religion represent. Shiva has different characteristics and Vishnu different then there are Ganesh, Ram, Krishan, Kartikeya. All of those are relevant and part of different approaches to reach one supreme God. So, we need to understand all of those Gods, their characteristics and their relations to understand the Hindu religion.

Now, don’t say out of ignorance or carelessness or because of any reason that all of the Gods are same. All of those are properly defined individual entities, still, in essence, we are the unity in diversity. 

Very soon I will make a full article available on this 


Is it better to live on rent or owned house?

Rent is generally related to the medical and education whereas own home is related with production and long-term occupation but it is a very strange truth that now a days many of the productive activities also run on rent now worldwide. Such is the structure of the economy now. The exports, more specifically from India, also happen through the rent and in many cases those are the short term projects from 1 to 4 months. So, subconsciously many people prefer to live on rent because they can switch to different productive activities or occupations of short time period. In owned home it is the commitment to same kind of long run production, so less flexibility. But, there are many benefits to the owned house, like increased security, not just the physical security but also the spiritual security and the security from the diseases and viruses because diseases also live on rent, first, then in some victims those could be permanent or long duration also. The professional, occupational and home commitment also mean the committed family life, otherwise there can be troubles in married life also. In case of rented house it is also very important to get the right kind of owner also, otherwise they can be some other problems also.

For the full discussion You can refer my article on Rent, Education, Health, and Exports


Dowry to daughter or right in property?

This is the one of the most fundamental question to me. Traditionally, there has not been the daughter’s right in properties. However, she is given a lot of things as dowry and there have been created many occasions when gifts are given to daughter. Daughters are considered as outsider and belonging to parents only till the marriage. After that they represent some other family and their loyalties are also shifted.

So, they are not given right in properties and they are not supposed to claim any right in the properties. As per Hinduism, it is the boy’s inheritance, not the daughter’s. Only boy is entitled to do shraddha and other religious rituals and only they liberate the souls of their parents. So, it is the paternal dynastic society, which is also very natural for India and many other countries. There can be some negligible exceptions also. 

For full discussion, kindly refer my article on “Critique of Constitution, Political System, and Reservation; Past, Present and Future


How Presidential System is better than the Prime-Ministerial system?

This is the most important question of our time and needs to be resolved as soon as possible. In the present political system in India and some other countries the whole govt. power and authorities have been given to Prime Minister, who, by definition, is not the head of the Govt. Head of the Govt. is the president or the King. So, this whole arrangement is counter intuitive. This has many very bad implications at individual and social level. Suppose the father who is the head of the family has no authority on the family, the whole family will be weakened, broken and would not sustain for long time.

Why such a bad system got imposed on India? Father and responsible people’s value have gone down, Hindu family system is struggling to maintain itself. The manager, who is the prime minister in the political settings, has become everything and owner’s value got reduced. We have the ideal family system in which father or husband decides everything and is responsible for everything not the inactive powerless father and some manager or mother’s brother deciding everything. Shakuni destroyed the whole Hastinapur and the present political system is also the same political system. It is not going to exist for long time, just some more time and it will be gone forever.

For full discussion, kindly refer my article on “Critique of Constitution, Political System, and Reservation; Past, Present and Future.


Which sectors have very obvious Failures of the supply-based Economics?

Supply based economics say that supply creates its own demand but can that rule be applicable to all the sectors of economy? No, the medical, criminal, police, and military and many bad goods producing industries can’t run on the principle that that they are available, so desire them. How can that be? Not at all possible. Doctor and police will be contacted when needed, not other way round that they are in excess supply so create the diseases and crimes for them. That can’t be. This is the biggest criticism of supply-based economics and this should be corrected now. These professions cannot even do publicity or campaign or repeated advertising, they can just inform, only once or maintain their directory to contact them, but they cannot do the repeated campaign or advertisings. 

What are the main reasons of climate change?

Climate change is really a very big issue worldwide but still, there is not the correct discussion on that to solve the issue. It is very misguided and needs to be corrected. Climate change is not related only with industrial pollution, traffic and rise in temperatures. It is more related with the overall behaviour of the people in family regarding their interpersonal relations and also the social relations.

If people follow the correct overall behaviour, there will not be any big geographical and climate change. In history, climate has been changing on its own also when there was not any big industry and with those climate changes there have been very big changes in the social and political structures also. The solution to climate change can be many, even the change in the astrological settings of Mars and Mercury can change the temperatures, there can be other big interferences also which are still unknown. Ecological balance of species is also necessary. The species with excessive population should be reduced while those having shortage should be increased. Finally, like in other issues, it depends on how you think in general, Marxist ideology determine everything through the nature and changes in the productive forces, they don’t recognize the God and external interferences. We believe in external interferences and ideological and philosophical interferences which determine everything. A Govt. by God who is not just belonging to this earth and even the solar system, but the universal God.

Full article very soon


Can we believe the time shown by watches, all the times?

Can you believe that the speed of watches varies from hour to hour.

So, time shown by watches cannot be correct on all the times. It is true that in any decision about time, time in watch is followed but we should know the reality at our heart that real time might vary by few minutes or even hours in rainy seasons. So, accordingly we can make our plan at personal level. I mean if we are not dependent on others and accordingly, we can decide about time rules for others in different situations.

For the full discussion You can refer my article on Time


Is the law of gravitation changed now?

Gravitation has become very mysterious now. According to science it depends on mass and acceleration, but the loss of gravitation has already been used in many secret experiments. Might be it was used in Corona virus also. So, officially the failure of gravitation law has not been announced but already that failure has been used in so many bad applications in real world.

Earth has its attraction power, also because of so many great people and great souls present on it. Accordingly, there can be regional variations in gravitation. Indian mahatma and Sidhs used to have very high attraction to affect the entire surroundings and region around them. This is my own personal experience also when I could pull the very distant people also, even from USA and they came back to India. So, the country Bharat is so powerful and attractive because of those great souls also. I have the firm belief that the great lands and great people are together. You can’t think one without the other. Still, I had plans to go to Europe, so I reduced my gravitation to some extent to give opportunity to some people to uplift me, otherwise nobody could even shake me even slightly or make me fall. They have been trying since at least for last 10 years. I thought to go by sea also but how would I explain that, so I did not think further about the sea route.  

What is more important to be human, being highly minded or being good behaving?

Behaving like the proper human is more important than being highly minded. A normal mind is always required, that is correct, because Human has the mind, but at the same time human have certain instincts and behaviour also which make someone a human being. Humans have the proper way to live, eat, work, sleep, sex, and interpersonal relations; which separate humans from animals and make him straightly standing, sitting and laying; proper human body, which is so distinct from all the other creatures.

This evolution is not possible without proper human behaviour, and, having mind, is just one of the conditions but not all. So, being only highly intelligent and lacking proper human behaviour will cause the devolution in the next stage, instead of evolution. 

What is the importance of being individual?

Achieving individual identity and existence is the top most achievement in today’s world; because, in communal identity, somebody can suffer because of someone else. Considering the recent or in last few years, impacts of genetic experiments, individual identity is even more important. Genetic experiments become more effective on the people who don’t have the individual identity. There would be bad karmas by someone and effects might be on someone else. Whereas, if someone is a proper individual, he is dependent on himself and his own personal record and absolute individual justice is possible only with the individual not the group or group identity. It is very difficult or almost impossible to target properly defined individuals in any biological, genetic Code or remote IT techniques. Even physical targeting from the near distances might have very drastic consequences for both the attacker and other people in the world. Also, I am discussing about the real individual identity not the written proofs of identities, and unique sexual relations also are part of the real individual identity. People having multiple and random sex relations can never be an individual. They become just the part of the network of cells and genes.

In Hindu social and family relations structure one can achieve the perfect real individual identity along with the group and community identity.

For the full discussion You can refer my article on Society, Genetics, Virus, and Identity & Society


Is coming late OK?

Coming late is not OK in most of the situations because there are not just problems to the people where someone went but also there can be the problems to the late comers, so many of the bad waves and vibrations can reach them and also their real enemies can reach them; so, there is the increased risk to the late comers.

For the full discussion You can refer my article on Time


How can we define risk?

So many text books and financial professional think risk in very simplistic terms like unexpected movements of prices and people losing or the physical risks like in construction or various industrial activities or the general risk. Is this definition enough or there is something more to understand the risk, we can find out the answers if we observe which kind of people take the risks and which not. So, again what is the risk, it is a kind of war between the humans and the materialistic forces. Things say that they are, while humans say that they are. It is a kind of implicit war. So, the people who belong more to the human qualities rather than being the matter take the risk and the people who are more matter oriented and belonging to the matter do not take the risks. Materialistic people are with the matter, they have no conflict; so, they do not assert themselves on matter. For them rising the price of matter is the same as the rise in their own prices. It is the qualitative people for whom rising the price of matter is not same as the rise in their own prices. So, they fight the matter and win and gain as the return to risk. This is the reality if someone observes and analyse about it.   

Is reaching on time enough?

Reaching on time is the must but not enough. We need to maintain the normal speed of time also in our speed of work, otherwise people lag behind in many situations comparing the people who work at least at the speed of time.

For the full discussion You can refer my article on time