Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway

Sandeep Goyal’s Quotes


Some Very Original and  Innovative Thoughts & Ideas

Maintaining the speed of time is the must along with the productive activities. In short, either the time will run and people will also move in accordance with the time or the Water will run, or rather over-run!

Sun never regrets or what we call “Paschatap” It is the air which does the “Paschatap” or/and regret also may imply this same later heat.

People might be in the same genes with different photos all around the globe or different genes with the same photo.

The women oriented and women-based Hinduism is no better than other religions.

They expand cancer to treat the cancer patients, and, in that process, the whole world becomes like that.

Brahm and paar-brahm speak just once and that is enough for their thoughts and ideas to be broadcasted to all over the world.

God can never be wrong or unjustified. It is just about the scope of people’s mind, knowledge, intuition, spirituality, and consciousness with which they reach any conclusion.

Some of the community and their associated genes can be very strong and also mixing and growing very extensively in other genes group but if they are mixing and growing very excessively comparing within their own group; there are big chances that they are in many other communities but their original community gets eliminated.

At individual level, people who were at very high growth comparing others have already reached the limit but how would they get the time without doing some productive activities because they already have grown to their fullest. Necessarily, they fall in the trap of the destruction and production because of their more than the time rate of growth.

World sustain not just in time but some unchanging timeless ideas and fundamentals of humanity.

As the time keeper of the world, I can visit any premises, any office, building, factory etc. all over the world to check if the timeliness is maintained or not 

Many times, I observed that left-right do not remain exclusive; they do not even realize when left becomes right and right becomes left. I have observed and can find many such occasions

Swarn will remain the Swarn in whatever class or group they are; whether owner or employee, rich or poor. Swarn class do not change by economic status. Their cultural and social behaviour remain the same.

I can definitely assure that Indian family structure and social structure will definitely defeat the genes-based behaviour.

The production of things and people happen together.

Temples and other religious places cannot be the only places for the public to get together, there are many commercial places also, and traditional shops also; So, these places are very important from social point of view not just the economic transactions.

Making samples and doing the real production are the different phenomena.

Someone’s whole life’s index of correctness should be calculated now to define them; to know if they have been really productive or hypothetical or incomplete in whatever they did.

We needed to change the whole course of the 20 centuries and also liberate so many spirits not just in the last 2000 years but any time back. Whole system got refined and renewed because many bad spirits and their karmas were also ended.

No Genetic experimentation because of lack of knowledge or incomplete knowledge should try to corrupt our relationship structure; instead, they should follow us and change their family structure.

The biggest shortcomings and criticism of all the American business models is that they offer discounts, free items etc. etc. but they also implicitly or explicitly include the criminals and anti-social people in their models.

Lies also are like the loans which will have to be paid definitely or in other words, there are not any lies, every stated word is correct but some words are paid later and people get some loan through those.

The family relations are not just the Earth based but governed by universal settings and relations which ensures the continuity and sustainability of the whole existence. Earth can’t survive on its own.