Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway



A Short Introduction about yourself

My Name is Sandeep Goyal. I created this website to share my knowledge, ideas, and experiences gained through last many years. These are not ordinary ideas and experiences. These can determine the whole world and centuries to come, the whole future of the humanity can be determined with these ideas and knowledge. These are the most original and immensely useful ideas and thoughts. These already have the biggest influence all over the world in almost all the spheres of life, whether Business, Economics, Finance, Politics or betterment of personal life and spiritual Enlightenment.

How do you describe yourself professionally?

A good professional, Thinker, Speaker, Author, and Philosopher.

Do you provide personal consultancy also?

Yes, I can provide very personal and customized consultancy also.

My approach is very scientific, logical, realistic and friendly, I have both the formal knowledge and lots of experiences of an entire life time or even spanning many lives which cover almost everything.

Consulting with me will be an experience to remember and cherish for the whole life and also to tell others. In ‘Knowledge Enrichment’ navigation button I have described in details about how Ican be approached for the personal and professional consultancy.

What is your Educational Background?

I studied MA Economics from Delhi School of Economics, Sri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. This is the pioneer institute in India to learn Economics. Its alumni are almost in every field of economy both in India and abroad. Some of those are also at very prestigious posts, academics, administration, and policy making.

For one year I also studied at School of International Studies JNU in an economics course with specialization in world Economy or which is called Economics International also, earlier there was a department in this school which was called ‘Centre for Diplomacy, International Law and Economics’. Very ambitiously I had joined this centre and school because I had that kind of aptitude for long time before I joined this school. This is the pioneer school in India for studies in Diplomacy, International Relations, International Laws, Trade and Economics. I was involved very whole heartedly there at that time, I participated in numerous seminars and conferences both in this school and many other schools, I was resident also in the same campus and full time busy for one year both in studies and these academic activities.

Now I am reaching or almost reached the perfection in both the Diplomacy and Economics.

These are my educational backgrounds but presently I am far advanced than them, I am up to the levels of Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge or even more advanced than them. Unbelievable! You will find it exactly true! once you start to read and understand my so rich, so informative and innovative essays on different subjects; or when you meet me and talk to me on different subjects.

So, as a person I am not limited just by my educational background but far better and superior in my individual qualities.

Why did not you try to be hired in some big company or institute? 

Naturally, this comes in mind. Did anyone hire the American Presidents and UK’s Kings, it is the same situation for me. There are some people who are independent and can work much better and fruitful as the independent professional than employed with someone. Generally, companies and institutions don’t hire or do not continue for long time, the people who are far superior to them and who can capture their organizations and become the owner themselves in future. Also, my opinion, ideology and style might differ with others. I am not so much independent with others. I have some of the most brilliant and innovative ideas which might not be understood or supported by other companies and firms, it is very difficult to change the existing systems and mind-set. So, my own independent firm is better for me to present myself to the people. I realized this later but that is the reality of my life. I would have started at the age of 25 also but I realized the truth of my life after some years and also, I developed my knowledge base further during these years.

Now, I am 43 years old and gained much experiences, in fact the experiences of an entire lifetime in actual industries, exports, economy and also my own business.

Simultaneously, I built up my own thoughts structure, knowledge and experiences which are worth of an entire lifetime. So, the general people and the whole world can be benefitted from me, from my knowledge and I am not telling or writing the already known but very innovative and useful ideas and thoughts which can be the excellent permanent new contribution to both the world knowledge and literature.

What are the specific features of your writing?

  • Very precise to the point but completely comprehensible writings.15 pages will be equivalent of 150 pages book on the same subject, still you might not gain and remember as much as you will from my writings. A kind of lifetime addition to knowledge.
  • I have written considering all the possibilities, argument and counter-argument that whatever is written is almost the final on that particular topic. After writing, it is almost impossible for me to remove some words or shorten it, because every word, every line is a very profoundly thought statement. I write like that, that is why the 15 pages will be like 150 pages book. Therefore to avoid any phrase, any statement is almost impossible.
  • One big distinguishing feature that some people might have noted is that I have written very big thoughts, very big information and ideas in very simple and easy way. Generally people exaggerate  and present even the very insignificant things in a very sensational, very big way. With me it is not so. I don’t exaggerate. Within one article you will find many really big and substantial ideas that a magazine and newspaper can have a full front page or featured edition on that. Some media channel might be talking on that whole day or many days but I have revealed many such ideas in a very sober, very simplistic and normal way, without any excitement or sensation. There are many such ideas in my writings not just one or two. I have the academic approach not the media approach. Ultimately, Knowledge and information matters despite everything.   
  • There are some cross-references among the articles but I have been very disciplined about the topics and stick to the topic as much as possible, therefore all the posts can be considered separate, in themselves also
  • There are also very interesting questions to raise the curiosity and the thought process for further knowledge. My writings are very entertaining also, not boring in any way.
  • Those have been the newest ideas, and those relate to the contemporary events also. So, I am very up to date, and time related also, not just the expression of certain timeless ideas; though many of them are timeless also because those can be applicable to past and future also. some symbolic immediate events compulsorily occur relating to my expressed thoughts, ideas and expressions and then they add up to the long run effects also, and I am observing this tendency very consciously since last 16 years
  • These articles are some of my greatest ideas and also in these I have answered almost all the doubts and questions, people might have about me and I have also included some of my history and past struggles. So, reading these will give in many cases the newest knowledge and ideas about the world today and also reveal many of the hidden aspects about me. This is the completely unique and innovative style of my writing. In many cases First, we need to experience in our life what we ask others to follow!
  • I have used some new concepts also which are still not very popular but very useful to formulate and understand the reality. Those new concepts have been thought entirely by me, yet, those might have been used by some other people also, particularly in Genetics.
  • Also, some of the truths revealed by me may not be liked by some people but whatever I have written is the definite truth, not the expression of my dislike and hatred towards anyone. My general rule is that I do not write explicitly against anyone unless there is some unambiguous behaviour which will not be considered appropriate. I can write in very details against someone and in many cases I have the full information, but I write only when someone comes very explicitly about his/her bad behaviour.  
  • My style of communication might have looked somewhat diplomatic but that is positive diplomacy, so that I can cover the maximum people and their feelings are not hurt. In some cases, you may find me very outspoken also, especially, when I want to emphasize some of my views and thoughts and which have to be stated without any doubt. However, I have written very carefully considering many possibilities.
  • Whatever research is being done by data analysts and genetics engineers; I had already thought about those many years ago and there are so many thoughts that are still unrevealed and might be, the further research will be revealing those. Genetic Engineering and data science have been and will be confirming just what I have already thought and revealed in my these writings. These are very advanced and will become the popular knowledge in future.
  • One very important conclusion that I have reached after so much thinking and contemplation is that one needs just to think objectively and exactly about anything that he is thinking and know the real truth, and to express that thought and truth in the most brilliant and undefeatable way. If someone can think properly and exactly and also can express that in the manner that the structure and content of that expression is the best in the world then that someone is almost the King.
  • Also, the words of that person should be reliable like me. It means almost 100% realization of whatever communicated. In essence You can consider the whole world like a computer and some truthful person’s every word working like the words, phrases and lines of a worldwide program on the worldwide computer or in other words on the worldwide consciousness and subconsciousness.When one reaches the world’s consciousness and reaches even beyond that then he starts to guide and control the world. That I achieved first, then, I could control the whole world like a programmer controls the computer. I think now it is easy to understand!

What is your political ideology?

I am Hindu liberal, Individualist, Capitalist, to some extent Hindu Conservative also and in essence Humanist.

What is your Thinking process? I mean scientific, non-scientific, subjective, objective, intuitive, philosophical?

Extensive, distinctive and structured knowledge, good vision and observation, and proper logic combined with spiritual intuition is enough to know so many truths even without any data; at every moment, even while working someone can realize some truths. I am the most scientific and logical up to the latest inventions and discoveries; but, where the Science ends or not able to explain, there comes the philosophy. Intuition and what we call the ‘anubhuti’ in Hindi Some people might call it sixth sense also, that also can give many new ideas and interpretations. Spiritual realizations also help in realizing so many truths; scientifically those can’t be proved or disapproved, but those are the truths and people believe those because they experience the effects of those truths.

So, in my thinking process you will find an optimal combination of all these.

I could achieve the stage of absolute truth, not just because of being intelligent; being intelligent is not enough, even the robots are super intelligent, however, they are not thinker and they also have not any intuition and they can’t understand or reveal the implicit communications that the humans can do;

I am the truth and I have to know the truth in whatever way I can, through logic, science, intuition, experience, work, feelings, sixth sense, spirituality. This has been my utmost desire to know. So, now I am the most advanced in the existing knowledge and new and innovative ideas, which will determine the future. Once a person become habitual, the new ideas and truth itself start to flow and tell that person about themselves. In my no assertion you would experience completely out of the logic statements.

We have the 100% truth and 100% God. Now I reached such a situation after getting and revealing so many truths that, my every statement is accepted as a truth itself, either someone confirms that or not. Even some slightest mistakes also come to be true, because nature starts to follow the person who is the most correct and who is the most truthful.

Tell something more about your general personality.

There are many other distinctive features of my personality.

In many cases I can know other people’s mind, their thoughts, and desires, after some interactions and by their expressions and looks.

I can know the history of a person or do past travel in some of the cases and know the truth.

In most of the cases I do not speak lies.

We need to be somewhat advanced in our thinking, so that we can know the desires and thoughts well before than those come to some people’s mind. So, we can control their arrival also.

If a person has studied very advanced level like me and also a good thinker himself then all the natural processes can be caught and understood, even the presence of those people can control the whole environment; clouds, weather, air, temperature and they can know in advance even before reaching some where or before happening of some event. These all my qualities are well tested by myself and also by others.

So, first we need to study, meditate, and contemplate and there should be the good intentions and great desires to know everything, good truthful character is also necessary, then nothing can remain hidden, truth itself comes to tell what it is.

Also any person is sum total of all his previous births and ‘prarabdh’, therefore, people should not be envious of one-another.

So, these are my some other features, I can extend this interview further, but I think this much will be enough.

   Anyone interested to know more or get further explanations can contact me and write an email to me.