Further Truth

A Knowledge Revolution Underway


This is the newest and most innovative article on present day Politics and Economics. These are not sustainable now and we need immediate changes. There have been many new developments also in the recent years like digitization, Genetics, e-commerce and many secret technologies which have not been public yet. These all have very profound impacts on the society and polity. Therefore, there will be very big changes in future, in constitutions and political structures to make the life sustainable and better. In all my articles you will find some distinct observations by me and the most brilliant and innovative ideas originating from me. So, this article also will be adding something new and substantial to the existing knowledge and my logic and reasoning is always very persuasive and convincing. Therefore, the subsequent real changes are almost certain. This article also can be published in some political and economic magazine with my permission and acknowledgement.

Polity, Economy, and Philosophy


These are the newest ideas on these economic and social issues. I have written this article in a vey structured way so this can work as the Journal Article also, but anybody referring it should acknowledge me, inform me and take my permission. This has already been used in tackling many big problems, so it is really very practical for both the individuals, society, govt. and policy makers.

This is unique and original of its own kind.


Education, Health, Rent, and Exports


This is a very unique kind of essay on the required qualities in a person to be the King. We have different forms of the Govt. in the world like President, Prime-Minister, Chancellor, and the King. King is a kind of long-run Govt, which is not based on voting but informal vocal support of the public, and generally, in the past, public revolted when they did not find King in their interests and capable of good rule. I find the King form of Govt. better , but only  if it satisfies some conditions as laid down by me in this essay with a very detailed and prolonged thoughts on this issue. This can be considered as the portrait of King in the contemporary and future time.


King’s Role


This is a revolutionary article with revelation of many secrets of our social structure and how the social identity compare with the Genetic identity and how it will emerge as the winner. This can also be considered as a journal article because it has many original ideas and thoughts, which are useful both for the general people and academics research.

So, if someone refers it, as the academic etiquette I expect acknowledgement and also information to me and permission from me.


Society, Genetics, Virus, and Identity & Life


It’s the newest ideas about time and its many applications in practical life as well as philosophical understanding. Generally it is very difficult to think, contemplate and write more than few lines about time by general people. Somebody can test that but I have been observing and thinking about time for last many years. So, I decided to write all those so that public also can be benefitted from my experiences and knowledge.

This can be one of the best article on this subject and I have all the original ideas only, without any references from outside resources.


Time,Matter,Religion and Philosophy


This is a very important and relevant topic of our time. But nobody discussed it in very details and we don’t find any significant book or article on this subject. It is true that people have raised and also wrote many articles and books against globalization and its many bad impacts, but nobody structured and formulated the debate like I have. It is a well structured debate and discussion against globalization at very fundamental level and it is original. This again might have been published by someone and can again be published in some reputed journal or magazine but after informing and acknowledging me and taking permission from me.  


Global v/s Universal


This again have very original thoughts and interpretation and explanations of many economic concepts. This is very enlightening and definitely, will give the new insights, ideas and knowledge to understand the economy and society better.

This can also be published in journal or very standard magazines and even news papers but with my acknowledgement and permission


Indian Family System and Market Economy


This is a really significant and revolutionary article on this subject, I think no one thought very seriously about these critiques of the constitution and no body wrote like this. This is very comprehensive and there are many original ideas in this also. I have reached such a level of knowledge and logic that I can know many events and thoughts which have not been published yet publicly; in all of my essays you can find something special and significant but completely unknown and unpublished before I expressed and I published that.   

This article is very significant for public point of view, so, if someone gets interested and wants a free copy because he/she can’t pay for the time being then I can offer it on credit or even free also. Kindly contact me.


Critique of Indian Constitution, Political System and Reservation; Past, Present and Future


These are some very interesting Questions and Answers on various topics.

You can also contact about those through contact form. You can ask your own questions also.



Q & A





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